Meet the team!

Nasim Sabouri

Nasim earned her PhD degree 2008 from the lab of Professor Erik Johansson, where she studied eukaryotic DNA replication, focusing on the leading strand DNA polymerase epsilon.
In 2008, she joined the lab of Professor Virginia A Zakian at Princeton University as a Wenner-Gren postdoctoal fellow. As a posdoctoral fellow, she studied genome integrity from a genome-wide perspective, and focused on natural replication fork impediments, and the importance of Pfh1 helicase, a member of the Pif1 family helicases, to facillitate replication through these sites.
She demonstrated the importance of Pfh1 helicase in preserving genome integrity by showing that it assists the replication fork to overcome natural impedimens, such as genomic regions with G-quadruplex (G4) structures and tightly-bound proteins.

Ikenna Obi

Genome instability resulting from G4 structure formation and roles of proteins involved in resolving G4 Structures

Pallabi Sengupta

Structural dynamics of i-motif DNA structures and their regulation by transcription factors

Ajay Kumar

The role of G4-binding protein in G-quadruplex biology in Schizosaccharomyces pombe

Sepideh Farmand Azadeh

Identifying role(s) of G-quadruplex helicases in G4 biology

Stefanie Sandberg

Targeting cancer cells by G4 binding molecules


Maria Vittoria Cottini

Characterization of Cytosine-rich sequences that are present in the genome of Schizosaccharomyces pombe

Jan Jamroskovíc

Interaction of G4 structures with small molecules in the context of anti-cancer drug discovery, and biological characterization of G4 structures in yeast model organism Schizosaccharomyces pombe

Marco Deiana

Development and implementation of photonic materials (flourescent probes, photosensitizers, molecular switches, light-activated compounds) to generate nove (photo)therapeutics